Article I – Name of Organization

The name of this organization is the Collin County Community College Anime Club (hereafter referred to as "QCA")


Article II – Purpose

The Collin County Community College Anime Club (QCA) provides a forum for fans of anime (Japanese animation) and manga (Japanese comics) to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas.


Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Categories of Membership

A. General Members

All currently enrolled CCCC students with a GPA of 2.0 or greater and have paid all required dues (Article III, Section 2) and completed a membership application form are eligible to become General Members of QCA. All members must comply with the CCCC Student Code of Conduct and Student Activities Policies and Procedures.

B. Honorary Members

All members of the local community who have paid all required dues (Article III, Section 2) and completed a membership application form are eligible to become Honorary Members. Honorary Members are entitled to all privileges of membership except for the right to vote or hold office.

C. Inactive Members

All past General or Honorary members of QCA that no longer qualify for General or Honorary Membership will be considered inactive until their membership is renewed. Inactive members will be removed from QCA rolls after twelve (12) months of inactivity.

Section 2 – Dues

A. Amount of dues

All General and Honorary Members are required to pay dues of fifteen dollars ($15), collected biannually at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters (referred to hereafter as "long semester(s)").

B. Deadlines

In order to prevent denial of membership rights, dues must be paid within twenty-one (21) days of applying for a new membership. Renewing members must pay dues during the first twenty-one (21) days of a long semester.

C. Refunding dues

Dues are generally non-refundable once paid.

A current semester’s dues may be refunded to a member if it becomes known to QCA that the member is not qualified for membership under the conditions of Article III, Section 1 during the "deadline period" (Article III, Section 2B). In order to receive a refund of the current semester’s dues, all QCA property in the applicant’s possession and membership card must be returned. The member will then be listed as "Inactive." A disqualified member may only receive a refund for the current semester’s dues.

D. Penalties for failure to pay dues

Members will not be eligible to vote, hold office, be a member of a committee, hold a nominated position, possess a membership card, enjoy any rights of membership (Article III, Section 3), or be considered a General or Honorary Member until dues are paid. Members who fail to pay dues within the specified deadline (Article III, Section 2B) will have their membership revoked immediately, and they are to return all QCA property in their possession and their membership card.


Section 3 – Membership Rights

A. Membership Card

Upon receipt of dues, General and Honorary Members will be issued a membership card as proof of their membership in QCA. Members must present their membership card to a QCA officer or advisor for inspection, if requested to do so.

B. Other Rights

Recognized members have the right to borrow QCA materials available for loan as determined by the Executive Board, to be nominated to committees or positions by the President, and to receive any discount(s) that QCA has negotiated for its members.

Section 4 – Responsibilities of Membership

A. Directory Information

It is the responsibility of members to keep their QCA directory information current. In the event a member’s directory information changes, QCA is to be notified as soon as possible. QCA cannot be held accountable for failing to contact a member if their contact information is not current.

B. Conduct

All members are expected to behave in a mature and responsible manner during all meetings and functions. If a QCA officer or Advisor judges the conduct of a member to be unacceptable, said member will be expected to rectify their behavior or leave the QCA meeting or event at the request of a QCA officer or Advisor.

C. Abide by Constitution and QCA Policies

All members are expected to abide by the Constitution and all policies established by the Executive Board.

Section 5 – Revocation of Membership

A. Conditions for Revoking Membership

If a member fails to meet the qualifications for membership (Article III, Sections 1 and 2), or does not fulfill their obligations as a member (Article III, Section 4), the Executive Board will determine whether to begin membership revocation procedures (Article III, Section 5B).

B. Procedure

If the Executive Board is considering revoking a membership based on an individual member’s conduct (Article III, Section 4B), the member must be notified at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. The organization’s Advisor or a representative from CCCC Student Activities must be present at any membership revocation hearing. At the hearing, the member must be given the opportunity to answer any and all charges in front of the Executive Board before any action is taken. There must be a unanimous vote of the Executive Board to revoke a membership. If membership is revoked, the name of the member in question will be stricken from the rolls, their membership card will be confiscated, will be compelled to return all QCA property in their possession.


Article IV – Officers

Section 1 – Offices

QCA shall have three officers – a President, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer. Officers are to be elected under the terms of Article IV, Section 5.

Section 2 - Officer Requirements

All officers must be General Members in good standing (Article III, Section 1A). Officers must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA at the time of their election and achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA each semester while in office. Additionally, all officers must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per long semester at CCCC throughout the term of office.

Section 3 – General Duties

All QCA officers shall attend and support all QCA functions as required. Additionally, all officers are expected to provide some assistance to their successors after the end of their term.

Section 4 – Specific Duties of each Office

A. Office of the President

    1. Represent QCA at all functions
    2. Enforce the Constitution
    3. Prepare meeting locations, and reserve equipment
    4. Prepare meeting agendas in conjunction with the Executive Board
    5. Preside over all meetings
    6. Delegate tasks to QCA officers and members as needed
    7. Establish necessary committees and appointed positions
    8. Approve or disapprove of all financial transactions in conjunction with the Treasurer and Advisor
    9. Complete all necessary paperwork to maintain CCCC Recognized Student Organization Status

B. Office of the Vice-President

    1. Perform all duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to act
    2. Assist the President as directed by the President
    3. Maintain all records not related to finance, including directory information for all QCA members
    4. Notify members of upcoming meetings and events
    5. Notify members of all QCA future Executive Board meetings, new Executive Board policies, and proposed amendments to the QCA Constitution

C. Office of the Treasurer

    1. Maintain all records related to organization finances
    2. Sign all approved financial transactions in conjunction with the President and Advisor
    3. Deposit and withdraw QCA funds in accordance with CCCC Business Office procedures
    4. Perform all duties of the Vice-President in the absence or inability of the Vice-President to act

Section 5 – Elections

A. Candidates

Candidates must meet eligibility requirements for General Members (Article 3, Section 1A), as well as the special requirements for QCA officers (Article IV, Section 2).

B. Terms of Office

The term of office is for approximately one year, beginning from the date of election and ending at the next election.

C. Election Day

Election Day will occur at a General meeting within a 30-day period that begins on the first day of Spring Classes – ideally in late January. Election Day is to be decided by a meeting of the Executive Board and announced at least twenty-one (21) days in advance.

D. Election Process

Another member must nominate a candidate from the floor on Election Day – the candidate must be present and accept the nomination prior to being placed on the ballot. All candidates will have at least 3 minutes to speak. A simple majority vote will decide the election. Only the votes of those present will be counted – no absentee votes will be tallied.

Section 6 – Officer Vacancies

A. Declaring Vacancies

An office is considered vacant if an officer has been absent from more than four (4) meetings without acceptable explanation given to the rest of the Executive Board. The Executive Board must make every effort to contact the absentee officer and seek explanation prior to the office being declared vacant. If the officer can be contacted, procedures for requesting a resignation must be followed (Article IV, Section 6C) if the situation cannot be rectified.

B. Filling Vacancies

In the event that the office of the President is vacant, the Vice-President is to be promoted to President, and an election for the office of Vice-President is to be held (Article IV, Section 5). If the office of Vice-President or Treasurer is vacant, an election will be held to fill the office under the terms of Article IV, Section 5.

C. Resignation

If any officer(s) or advisor(s) is not fulfilling his/her duties, an Executive Board Member will be appointed to contact the officer(s) / advisor(s) to discuss this concern. The appointed Executive Board member will relay this information to the Executive Board. If the officer(s) / advisor(s) can no longer fulfill the duties required, he/she will be asked to submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Board in writing. A copy of this statement will be submitted to the Director of Student Activities. A resignation will be accepted in lieu of an impeachment hearing. If an impeachment hearing (Article IV, Section 7) is warranted, the Student Organization Program Coordinator or Director of Student Activities must be notified before the meeting can be scheduled.

Section 7 – Impeachment of an Officer or Advisor

It is required that the Executive Board contact an officer/Advisor about any perceived deficiencies before an Impeachment hearing is called. This contact must be acknowledged before impeachment proceedings can begin. It is preferable to seek the resignation of an officer/advisor (Article IV, Section 6) in lieu of an impeachment hearing.

A quorum (Article VII, Section 1) is required for an Impeachment hearing.

The Student Organization Program Coordinator or Director of Student Activities must be notified before an impeachment hearing can be scheduled.

Officer(s)/Advisor(s) may be removed for failure to adhere to their duties described in the constitution. The Executive Board will call an impeachment hearing and notify the officer(s)/advisor(s) at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. The officer(s)/advisor(s) in question must be given an opportunity to answer any and all charges in front of the membership before action may be taken. There must be a quorum vote (Article VII, Section 1) of the members present to impeach the officer(s)/advisor(s).


Article V – Advisors

Section 1 – Qualifications

Advisors must be full-time CCCC faculty or staff members and be approved by CCCC Administration.

Section 2 – Selection

Advisors are to be nominated via unanimous vote of the Executive Board and elected via majority vote of General Members at a general meeting that qualifies for Quorum (Article VII, Section 1).

Section 3 – Advisor Responsibilities

A. Guidance of Organization

The Advisor is responsible for guiding the Organization and acting on behalf of the College

B. Submission of Paperwork

The Advisor must assist with, approve of, and sign all required paperwork required by Student Activities and CCCC Administration

C. Financial Transactions

The Advisor must approve and sign all financial transactions in accordance with the President and Treasurer before QCA funds are spent.

D. Voting

The Advisor has the right to vote as a General Member at any Quorum vote (Article VII, Section 1). The Advisor is strongly encouraged to attend impeachment hearings (Article IV, Section 7), and membership revocation hearings

(Article III, Section 5).

Section 4 – Removal of Advisor

In the event that the Advisor must be removed, officer impeachment proceedings (Article IV, Section 7), or resignation proceedings (Article IV, Section 6C) are to be followed.



Article VI – Executive Board

Section 1 – Composition of Executive Board

The Executive Board is composed of all QCA officers and Advisors.

Section 2 – Executive Board Authority

A. Scope of Authority

The Executive Board shall have the authority to make – or repeal existing – policy beyond the scope of the Constitution so long as said policy does not modify or contradict the Constitution.

B. Expiration of Policy

All Executive Board policy expires thirty (30) days after the next election. Policy may be renewed through the procedures for Executive Board meetings (Article VI, Section 3).

C. Policy Requirements

All Executive Board policies must be readily available to all members. New policies must be typewritten and distributed to members at the next General Meeting.

D. Membership Repeal of Policy

The General Membership of QCA may repeal an Executive Board policy so long as the proposal to repeal process follows the guidelines (Article VII, Section 2B.1), and the repeal process follows the requirements for quorum (Article VII, Section 1) – with the sole exception that a two-thirds (2/3) majority is required to repeal an Executive Board policy.

Section 3 – Executive Board Meetings

A. Requirements for Meetings

A majority of the Officers must be present for an Executive Board Meeting. The Advisor is encouraged – but not required – to attend Executive Board Meetings. Executive Board Meetings are open to all members.

B. Notification

The President or a majority of all other QCA officers can call an Executive Board meeting; the date and agenda of which must be announced to all members at least seven (7) days in advance.

C. Procedure

    1. Any member in attendance may voice their opinions on an issue before a vote is called for at least 2 minutes – or longer, if approved by a member of the Executive Board
    2. A unanimous vote of all officers present is required for a motion to pass

Section 4 – General Meeting Agenda

It is the responsibility of the President, in conjunction with Executive Board to set the agenda for General Meetings (Article VII, Section 2).



Article VII – Meetings

Section 1 – Quorum

A. Purpose

A Quorum is needed to ensure that sufficient representation of QCA is present to vote on an issue.

B. Requirements

A quorum is defined as a meeting of at least three (3) General Members and one (1) officer (the Advisor cannot be counted toward the total required for quorum). If an impeachment hearing is called (Article IV, Section 7), the officer being impeached cannot be considered part of the quorum.

C. Notification

    1. A minimum of seven (7) days’ notice is required before any vote can be scheduled, and notification must also be given at the previous General Meeting
    2. A typewritten summary of issues to be voted on be made available to all members at the time of announcement and before the vote

D. Process

    1. An officer designated by the Executive Committee presides over the debate
    2. All members eligible to vote will be given at least 2 minutes (or more if the presiding officer consents) to speak on an issue
    3. Voting commences after the presiding officer has ended debate. A majority vote of all eligible members present is required for a motion to pass

Section 2 – General Meetings

A. General

QCA is to meet at least once a month for general meetings. Members will be notified of future meetings at least seven (7) days in advance. General meetings are open for all interested persons to attend – although QCA General members are given preference if availability, space, or resources are limited.

B. Structure

    1. Open planning session
    2. The presiding officer will hear any proposals for amendments, policy changes, policy repeal, general suggestions, and questions from members for at least the first 5 minutes of the meeting. Non-members may ask questions or offer suggestions at the presiding officer’s discretion. The presiding officer may end the planning session at his/her discretion after 5 minutes have elapsed. Proposals to repeal submitted by members must be typewritten with justification for repealing the Executive Board policy.

    3. Quorum vote (if previously announced)
    4. (Article VII, Section 1)

    5. Meeting agenda as prepared by President or Executive Board

Section 3 – Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board meetings are to be held as necessary under the conditions of Article VI, Section 3.


Article VIII – Committees

Committees are to be established by the President as needed.



Article IX – Finances

Section 1 – Revenue

Revenues for QCA are to come from Membership dues and fundraising projects approved by the Executive Board under the provisions of Article VI, Section 3.

Section 2 – Deposits

All monies will be deposited in an account with the CCCC Business Office and accessed through Student Activities.

Section 3 – Purchases

A. Purchases up to fifty dollars ($50)

The President and Advisor or the Treasurer and Advisor must approve all purchases less than or equal to $50.

B. Purchases of more than fifty dollars ($50)

All purchases of more than $50 must be approved by an Executive Board meeting (Article VI, Section 3) and submitted to a General Meeting for approval. There must be a quorum (Article VI, Section 1) vote to approve the transaction.

Section 4 – Re-distribution of Funds

All QCA funds are to be donated to the CCCCD Foundation, SAFAC, or other organization deemed fit by Student Activities in the event that the organization is dissolved under the terms of Article XI.


Article X – Amendments

Section 1 – Ratification

This document must be reviewed and ratified by the general membership in accordance with the Student Organization Policy and Procedures Manual every year.

Section 2 – Procedure

Any General Member may propose an amendment to the Constitution at the open planning session (Article VII, Section 2B.1) of a General Meeting that meets the qualification for Quorum (Article VII, Section I).

To amend the constitution, notice must be given at a previous general meeting of QCA and the proposed amendment(s) will be posted or distributed in typed form for the members’ consideration prior to this vote. A two-thirds vote of all QCA General Members is needed to pass an amendment. The constitution may be amended at any time, subject to approval of the Director of Student Activities.


Article XI – Dissolution

QCA will be dissolved after twenty-four (24) months of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as twenty-four (24) consecutive months without scheduled General or Executive Board Meetings.

Revision 6
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